Live Nuts

There are many spiced holiday nut recipes out during the holiday season. Here's one that is really good, clean and simple - without all the extra spices. Give it a try...Ingredients:

  • 2 cups raw almonds
  • 2 cups raw walnuts
  • 2 cups raw pecans
  • 1 1/2 T salt

Here's How:1. Blanch almonds by placing them in a pot covered with cold water. Bring to boil, drain, cool and pop skins off by tearing a little hole in one end and squeezing almond out of skin.2. Place the walnuts and pecans in one bowl, and the almonds in a separate bowl. Fill both bowls with cold water. Add 1 T salt to walnuts and pecans, and 1/2 T to almonds. Let sit overnight to soak.3. Drain nuts but do not rinse. Place on a cookie sheet, keeping almonds to one side and pecans and walnuts to the other side. Bake in 170 degree oven for 12 hours. Remove walnuts and pecans. Continue baking almonds another 4 hours.4. Store in airtight containers when cool. Or package in snack baggies and give as gifts for the Holidays.Eat these nuts as a snack or sprinkle on salads. These nuts contain enzymes from sprouting due to soaking and then being baked at such a low temperature, and they are delicious!


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