Sparkling Water and Bitters

A nice start to any evening! Pull out your favorite wine glass and before having your wine or instead, hydrate with a glass of sparkling water flavored with bitters. There are many flavors to choose from. Bitter herbs are actually great aids to digestion. They stimulate  enzymes your body needs to digest food efficiently so not only might you slow down your alcohol consumption but your tummy will appreciate it. Bitters have been used for centuries to treat stomach maladies, headaches and even as a cure for hangovers, and they are delicious.


  • Wine glass

  • 8 oz sparkling mineral water

  • several splashes of bitters, of your choice: angostura, rhubarb, orange, etc.

Here's How:

  1. Place several ice cubes in your favorite wine glass.

  2. Fill with sparkling water.

  3. Add a few drops at a time of bitters and taste to discover your preference.

  4. Enjoy!

Think Thrifty on your budget and your dietary choices. This is a lovely alternative to a glass of wine when you are craving something a bit special, especially poured into a wine glass! 


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